Wuthering Heights follows the life of Heathcliff from a young child to death. Found in Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw, he insists on bringing him home and treating him as his son to the dismay of his wife. Throughout their childhood Hindley is jealous of Heathcliff and tries to make his life as unbearable as possible while Catherine unexpectantly takes a shine to Heathcliff. The story evolves with Catherine and Heathcliff falling in love but not having the support of the Earnshaws. Catherine ends up marrying Edgar and Heathcliff becomes more desolate and bitter as he and Catherine are torn apart. He despises Edgar for taking away his soul mate and becomes sourer as the story progresses. Although Catherine is content in her marriage she knows that the bond she shared with Heathcliff was more passionate and spiritual.
When Catherine died giving birth to her and Edgar’s daughter Cathy, Heathcliff immediately loathed her too, as in his view she killed her, and should have been his child. Years later, he forces her to marry his son Linton. Although they get on initially, Heathcliff imprisons her in Wuthering Heights and makes her life a misery. As with what normally happens in novels, we expected Heathcliff to change his cruel and angry traits into a nice man but it’s not until the very end when Heathcliff begins to die and finds happiness within himself and the apparition of Catherine that we see him as a vulnerable and human person for the very first time. He begins to stop eating and wanders around hallucinating Catherine’s ghost. He seems, for the first time in the novel at peace as he realises he will be with his soul mate for eternity.
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