Green Hero is a primary school magazine set up by 6 Transition Year students in St. Wolstans C.S. Celbridge. Our names are:
Siobhán Brady                (production) , 
Jessica McHugh              (HR and secretary) ,
Niamh O Reilly               (Fianance),
Patricia Parameswaran    (Marketing and Sales) ,
Roisin Power                  (Marketing and Sales),
Louise Young                 (Managing Director).

Green Hero's aim is to distribute 2500 copies of Green Hero to homes free through the schools of Celbridge Parish.

We want to raise awareness amongst young children between 1st and 4th class, about environmental matters such as electricity, recycling, animals facing extinction and much more.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank for helping us to produce this magazine. We also want to thank all of our advertisers for helping to fund this project.


Click here to go to our website.
Click here to go to our facebook page.

Click here to email us.

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